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Board of Selectmen Minutes 03/04/2013

Old Lyme Board of Selectmen                             
Monday, 4 March 2013
Regular Meeting

The Board of Selectmen held a Regular Meeting at 7:30 PM on Monday, 4 March 2013 in the Meeting Hall of the Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall. First Selectwoman Bonnie Reemsnyder, Selectwoman Mary Jo Nosal and Selectman Skip Sibley were present.

Selectwoman Nosal moved that item c. Proclamation for Girl Scout Day under New Business be moved to this point in the agenda.  Selectman Sibley seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

5. New Business
c. Proclamation for Girl Scout Day
The Board of Selectmen had issued a Proclamation in honor of Girl Scout Day.  The Girl Scouts in attendance at tonight’s meeting were recognized and First Selectwoman Reemsnyder read the Proclamation which proudly proclaimed 12 March 2013 as Girl Scout Day.  The Selectmen recognized the Girl Scouts for their work.

1. Approval of Minutes
Regular Meeting 11 February 2013, Special Meeting 19 February 2013
Selectman Sibley moved to approve the minutes of Regular Meeting 11 February 2013.  Selectwoman Nosal seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

Selectwoman Nosal moved to approve the minutes of Special Meeting 19 February 2013.  Selectman Sibley seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

2. Communications
Selectwoman Nosal moved to add a letter from St. Sophia Hellenic Orthodox Church to the agenda under 2. Communications.  Selectman Sibley seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

First Selectwoman Reemsnyder read a letter that she received on 20 February from St. Sophia Hellenic Orthodox Church.  The letter requested that the Town fly the national flag of Greece, in addition to the American flag, at the Town Hall on 25 March in honor of Greek Independence Day.  There was a discussion and it was decided that this would set precedence, and that was not something the Selectmen would want to do at this time, without doing further research.

3.  Appointments - NONE

4.  Old Business

Selectman Sibley moved to move agenda item f. Fire Department Incentives Review Committee Update under Old Business to this point in the agenda.  Selectwoman Nosal seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

f. Fire Department Incentives Review Committee Update
Tisha Kirk of the Old Lyme Ambulance Association and secretary of the Fire and Ambulance Volunteer Incentive Program Committee presented a letter outlining the recommendation that the Committee has made to the Board of Selectmen.  Their recommendation wants to accomplish two things; one being to catch up for the years that no increases were made, and two to bring the total contribution to a more current amount with regular increases being made in the future. Current contribution per qualified member is now $660 per year.  The recommended change would be $764 with an additional $100 for catch-up for a total of $864 for FY 2013-14.  For FY 2014-15 it would be $780 with an additional $100 for catch-up for a total of $880.  For FY 2015-16 it would be $796 with an additional $100 for catch-up for a total of $896.  The Committee continues to review the requirements necessary to qualify for these incentive programs.  There was a discussion.

Selectman Sibley moved to present to the Board of Finance the Committee’s recommendation for increases to the contribution amounts including a catch-up amount of an extra $100 for FYs 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16.  Selectwoman Nosal seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

The Selectmen expressed their appreciation to the members of the Fire Department and Ambulance Association for both their work as volunteers and their work on the Committee.

a. Winter Blizzard 2013 Update
First Selectwoman Reemsnyder gave an update on the Blizzard. The cost for the clean-up is now over $100,000.  The State and the Town had declared a State of Emergency and hopefully the Town will get some reimbursement on the cost.

b. Sandy / Blizzard Follow-up Meeting Summary
First Selectwoman Reemsnyder reported on the follow-up meeting held last Wednesday afternoon.  The Selectmen were given notes on the meeting and will provide feedback.

c. Sound View Improvements Grant
First Selectwoman Reemsnyder reported that the Board of Finance voted to support the concept of the plan.  The Planning Commission has also endorsed the conceptual plan and recommended approval of the project.  First Selectwoman Reemsnyder has since written a letter to Hugh Hayward of the CT DOT to inform him of the Town’s support.  A Committee has been appointed to see this project through.  Selectwoman Nosal and Selectman Sibley will serve as members on this Committee along with members of the community.

d. Updated Employee Handbook
Updates to the Employee Handbook were given to the Selectmen for their review.  Changes were explained.  The policy on “sick days” was reviewed and followed by a discussion.  The Selectmen recommend a change to the “sick day policy” as follows.  The Town will require carryover of any unused sick days up to 30 maximum.  In a given year if an employee does not use his or her sick days and they are already at their maximum, they would get paid 100% for unused days.  Currently for sick days that are banked, an employee gets 50% payout at the time they resign or retire, provided that they are not dismissed for cause.  It was recommended that this stay in place.  First Selectwoman Reemsnyder will present this recommendation to the staff for their feedback. Selectman Sibley asked for clarification of language in the Employee Handbook with regard to Elected Town Officials.  This is presently being considered.

e. Wastewater Management Task Force RFQ Opening
First Selectwoman Reemsnyder reported that six companies had responded to the RFQ.  The Task Force was presented with the documents along with a matrix to grade them. Carlos Esguerra, Sanitary Engineer CT DEEP is working with the Task Force to keep them on task.  Four of the six firms will be interviewed.  They will recommend two firms to the Board of Selectmen.  The Selectmen thanked the group for their time and effort so far.

5. New Business
a. Town of Old Lyme Emergency Election Procedures
First Selectwoman Reemsnyder reported that the State of CT now requires that polling places have emergency procedures adopted by the Town.  The Registrars of Voters in consultation with the Town Clerk are to create a plan for their respective municipalities similar to the State of CT.  The plan must cover at least the following continuances: solutions for ballot shortages, strategies to implement in the event of a shortage or absence of poll workers, a loss of power, a fire or sounding of an alarm in the polling place, voting machine malfunctions, a weather or other national disaster, the need to remove a poll worker or moderator and to replace such worker or moderator, disorder in or around the polling place. By 28 March the Board of Selectmen needs to approve Emergency Election Procedures for the Town’s polling place or the Town will fall under the State of CT’s plan.  The Town should have their own and a plan was drafted by the Registrars and submitted to the Selectmen for their review.  Approval will need to be made at the 18 March Selectmen’s meeting.  

b. An Act Concerning Municipal Sewerage Systems – SB 352
First Selectwoman Reemsnyder reported that our legislators, Senator Stillman and Representative Giuliano, did submit a bill in the last session on behalf of the Town of Old Lyme in support of what the Town is trying to do with regard to the wastewater management community septic system.  In order to maintain a publically owned system located on private property, there needs to be a bill proposed giving the Town authority as we move forward to maintain the system located on private property. The CT DEEP is in support of this bill.

c. Proclamation for Girl Scout Day
This item was moved in the agenda.

6. Public Comment - NONE

7. Other Business

The next Board of Selectmen's Meeting is scheduled for Monday 18 March at 7:30 PM.

8.  Executive Session - NONE

9. Adjournment
Selectman Sibley moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 PM.  Selectwoman Nosal seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Ellen Garbarino
Recording Secretary